Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 2

The first week of W's life was made up of medical checks, sleeping, diapers, and eating. This week we added crying to our repertoire. Sometimes he has been changed, fed, burped, and cuddled; then finds it necessary to cry. He will cry until he gets tired of it, everyone rests for about 30 seconds. Mom and Dad find hope in the quiet, then he starts up again. This usually happens in the evening, but the good thing is that everyone sleeps really well. We had one night where W slept about 5 hours straight, and that was heaven to us.

Today is W's 14th day with us. I love him so much, even though I'm constantly tired and confused about what is going on.

This morning we got up and had breakfast, went downstairs and I put him in his swing. He didn't go to sleep like he normally does, he sat quietly and looked around. No crying, no "you're a moron hands" he just peacefully looked around. So I started my morning chores, feeding the dogs, cats, sheep, chickens, collecting the eggs. W was alone for a few minutes at a time and never whimpered.

He stayed awake for a long time this morning, some of the time I held him and we listened to a Jack Johnson album I downloaded for him, we went outside for a bit, and then finally he dozed off in his swing. He is becoming more aware of his surroundings, and even looks at one of his toys on the changing table.

His umbilical cord stump fell off last night, luckily on Ben's watch, because I was terrified.

I think he might have purposefully grabbed my finger, but I'm not too sure.
I love this kid.

Week 1

Wesley was born on a Tuesday - February the 8th. I woke up leaking. It took me a while to wrap my head around what was going on, and then I told Ben. We called into work, leisurely packed for the hospital. Picked up breakfast. Went to the doctor's office where they examined me, and sent me to the hospital.

We went to the hospital, were admitted to Labor and Delivery, met our awesome nurse Betsy, and after 7.5 hours of labor, had Wesley at 6:47 PM. He was 19 inches long, and 7 pounds 10 ounces.

The two days we spent in the hospital were nice, the food was good, the staff took care of us, and Wesley slept and slept. Lots of people came to visit, and on Thursday we went home.

Friday Wesley had a doctors appointment, there I was told he would have to be on a bililight machine until the red blood cells from my body were flushed from his. This defines our first week. Constant contact with the machine unless he was being fed or changed. Sometimes we cheated and held him without the light. Once a day a nurse would come and weigh him, and prick his heel and take a vial of blood.

Wesley does NOT LIKE being changed, naked, or having his heel stuck. Having this happen everyday was not a good start to life, and hopefully he will think life is grand from now on because all of that is not happening.

Other than being hooked up to the light, poked, and prodded, Wesley enjoys having a snuggle with mom or dad. Dad is a better snuggler because he walks around sometimes.