Monday, March 14, 2011

Week 4

On March 8th W was 28 days old. This week he met lots of new people.
On Friday (the 4th) we went to Calhoun Falls to visit everyone. I should have taken more picture, but we did get a picture with the most important person, Mr. Wanga. He teaches math, and is from Kenya. He makes me laugh and reminds me that I can't be serious all the time.

We then went to AHS to drop something off to the band room, and Traivon, one of our drummers has the distinction of being the first band student to hold W. He did a good job, and I didn't get nervous at all.

Our biggest trip of the week was on Saturday. We drove all the way to Union so W could meet his Great Grandmother - Mama. Aunt Caroline came along, and Uncle Preston was there.... and Grand pa Brooks, and we even got in a visit with Grand ma Sharon. We don't know what W will call his grandmother and grandfather, since he is the first grandchild he gets to decide.

W got to go to Hearts and I got to eat a Gyro, but no cherry pepsi because they were out. (SHAME)

Nanny visited on Monday (7th)
W got to meet Brittany, our neighbor and my former student, on the 8th. Brittany was home from college on spring break. I'm hoping to get her to babysit a little if she will ever stay home long enough.

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